
Legal notices

EM Normandie Website Standard Terms & Conditions

Article 1: Purpose

These standard terms & conditions define the legal framework for the use of the website and the services it provides. This contract is established between:

Any User must agree to these website standard terms & conditions and to the fact of accessing the website is deemed to be in full acceptance of such terms and conditions.

Article 2: Legal Notice

For legal entities: the website is published by Association Ecole de Management de Normandie, whose registered head office is located at 20 Quai Frissard – 76600 Le Havre, France. The Association is represented by Mr Elian Pilvin, Dean.

Article 3: Accessing the Services

Any Internet User may access the website free of charge and from any location. Charges incurred by the User to access the website (Internet Connection, Computer Equipment, etc.) are not supported by the Publisher. The website and its various services may be interrupted or suspended by the Publisher, for maintenance in particular, without any prior notice or justification required from the Publisher.

Article 4: Responsibility of the User

The User accepts full responsibility and liability for the use made of the information and content available on the website. Any use of a service by the User which may cause direct or indirect damage must give rise to compensation for the benefit of the website.

Article 5: Responsibility of the Publisher

The Publisher may not be held responsible or liable for any malfunctioning of the server or network in case of emergency or as a result of unforeseen and insuperable action by third party. The website undertakes to apply all necessary means to guarantee the security and confidentiality of data on

Article 6: Intellectual Property Rights

The content of the website (logos, copy, graphic components, videos, etc.) are protected by copyright, under provision of the Intellectual Property Law. The User must obtain prior authorisation from the Publisher before any duplication, copy or publication of the various types of content. The latter may be used by the User for private use but any commercial use is prohibited. The User is fully responsible and liable for any content published on-line and undertakes not to infringe third party rights. The Publisher reserves the right to moderate or eliminate freely and at any time those types of content published on-line by the User, without any further justification.

Article 7: Hypertext Links

Domains, which hypertexts found on the website may point to, do not in any way engage the responsibility and liability of the Publisher of the website, as the said Publisher has no control over such links. It is possible for third party to create a link to any page of the website without express permission from the Publisher.

Article 8: Evolution of Website Standard Terms & Conditions

The website reserves the right to modify the provisions of these standard terms & conditions at any time and without any justification required.

Article 9: Duration of the Contract

This contract is formed for an unlimited duration. The contract is applicable to the User from the first time the service is used.

Article 10: Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

This contract is formed under French Law. In the event of litigation that may not be resolved amicably between the User and the Publisher, the Courts in Le Havre (France) will be competent for settling the dispute.

Article 11: Personal Data

The User may be asked to provide personal information when accessing some services. The User is informed that filling those boxes indicated with an asterisk is compulsory in order to continue navigating the website. Failing to fill out a mandatory box is likely to hinder the creation of the User’s profile, registration of the User’s participation in our events and adequate processing of the User’s requests. Personal information collected through such forms is recorded in a data bank by Ecole de Management de Normandie. User’s personal data is processed to the extent that this is required to contact the User, process the User’s requests, create and administer the User’s profile, open and administer the User’s access to on-line services and to carry out statistical surveys.

As provided by Act n°78-17 on Computer, Data Banks and Liberties of 6th January 1978, and the General Data Protection Regulations n° (UE) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, the User has a right of access, rectification, opposition, limitation of processing, erasing and portability of the User’ data which the User may exercise, indicating the User’s surname, first name and address by showing an identity document. In the event of difficulty related to the administration of the User’s personal data, the User may send a request to:

For any other information on the protection of their personal data, users may consult the CNIL website:

Article 12: Cookies

The User is informed that cookies may be installed on the web browser used. A cookie is a small file a website leaves on the User’s computer to store personal information from the User.

On this website, cookies are used to monitor its audience via Google Analytics and to offer content via Facebook, Google and YouTube.

In all cases, the User may freely administer and erase cookies from the browser. To achieve this, the User may click the following links according to the browser used: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Windows Internet Explorer.

Article 13 – Mediation

In the event of a dispute and prior to going to court, the User has the option of resorting to mediation in order to reach an amicable solution.

The competent mediator is :
Devigny Médiation
9, rue René Gasnier – D01 – 49100 Angers

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